Mac M1 Android Emulator

This is the second post that I dedicate to talk about configurations using the new M1 Apple processor. As I said in the previous post, these configurations are workarounds until stable versions are released, however, for me, they have been useful and I guess that someone in the same situation as me can benefit from that.

MacBooks with M1 can run Android apps with this software: What you need to know. If you're in need of running Android apps on a significantly bigger screen, the latest update from mobile gaming. The easy to use SNES Emulator is designed to launch games quickly, which eventually gives you the best gaming experience. Offering support for almost all the titles, Snes9x is the best Emulator for devices with low-end hardware. Having said this, there’s no doubt that it’ll serve with an err-free experience on your Mac.

Best Android Emulator For Mac. ARChon is a little different than most of our best Android emulators for PC or Mac in that this one is actually a Google Chrome extension.

M1 MacBook Air Running Visual Studio and Xamarin for Mac. Running Puppeteer test with NodeJS in Apple MacBook Pro with M1 Chip. Apple M1 and Android Emulator. I am unable to create a virtual device on Android studio on my MacBook air. For all the system images it says that your CPU does not support VT-x. What is the solution or a probable alternative t use a virtual android device on MacBook air with the new M1 chip.

Using Android studio in the new Macbook Air

When you install Android Studio you will get the following warning:

Unable to install Intel® HAXM

Mac M1 Android Emulator

Your CPU does not support VT-x.

Unfortunately, your computer does not support hardware-accelerated virtualization.

Here are some of your options:

1 - Use a physical device for testing

2 - Develop on a Windows/OSX computer with an Intel processor that supports VT-x and NX

3 - Develop on a Linux computer that supports VT-x or SVM

4 - Use an Android Virtual Device based on an ARM system image

(This is 10x slower than hardware-accelerated virtualization)

Creating Android virtual device

Android virtual device Pixel_3a_API_30_x86 was successfully created

And also in the Android virtual device (AVD) screen you will read the following warning:

If you want to learn more regarding virtualization in processors you can read the following Wikipedia article, the thing is that our M1 processor doesn’t support VT-x, however, we have options to run an Android Virtual Device.

As the previous message was telling us, we have 4 options. The easiest way to proceed is to use a physical device, but what if you haven’t one available at the moment you are developing?

From now on, we will go with the option of using an Android virtual device based on an ARM system image as options 2 and 3 are not possible to execute.

Using the virtual emulator

The only thing that you have to do is to download the last available emulator for Apple silicon processors from Github

Android Emulator Mac M1 Preview

Once you have downloaded you have to right-click to the .dmg file and click open to skip the developer verification.

After installing the virtual emulator, we have to open it from the Applications menu.

After opening it you will see Virtual emulator in Android Studio available to deploy your Android application. Make sure to have Project tools available in Android Studio (View -> Tool Windows -> Project)

After pressing the launch button you will get your Android application running in your ARM virtual emulator :-)


In this post, we have seen that is possible to install Android Studio in Macbook Air M1 and use a virtual device even that your M1 doesn’t support VT-x. You can learn more about this emulator in the following references:

M1 Macbookを使っている方はFlutterの環境構築でAndroidエミュレータが使えなくて焦ったと思います。




M1 Macbookではエミュレータが使えないということで、2020年の12月頃にGoogleがAndroidのデモ操作をできるパッケージを提供しました。

そのパッケージを使うことでAndroid Emulatorというアプリをダウンロードして起動してデモ操作ができるようになりました。

そして2021年3月頃に、そのパッケージは必要なくなりました。Android Studioでエミュレータが起動できるようになったからです。


まず画面右上の辺りからAVD Managerを開き、 Create Virtual Device...を開きます。


次にOther Imagesの欄に移動してください。
私は既にダウンロード済みになっていますが、 API Level30辺りを適当に選択して、ください。

ダウンロードが完了して開こうとすると、The emulator process for AVD was killed と出てエミュレータは開けないでしょう。


ここで一度API Levelがダウンロードしたエミュレータと同じものを利用できるようになっているかチェックしてみてください。

Mac M1 Android Emulator Online






がダウンロードされているはずです。このファイルをクリックすると emulator-darwin-aarch64-0.2

Mac M1 Android Emulator


Mac M1 Android Studio Emulator

そしてAVD Managerを開くと

Android Studio For M1 Mac
